How is a Recent Controversial Issue Used To Define The Movement Of A Political Group?
In this age of divided politics and the media dominated by each party's members, it is easy to forget the importance of finding common ground when discussing a contentious issue. Whilst members of a particular political party can often have different points of view on many issues, it is important to seek to find an angle that many in your political group share.
It is not unusual for one political party to be highly opposed to another within the United States of America. Indeed, that can sometimes be expected, as the two groups are often perceived to represent opposite sides of the same coin.
However, with a controversy over the Employment Non-Discrimination Act now swirling around the nation, many members of the United States Congress have realised that they need to come together and speak with one voice in order to combat discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
ow is a Recent Controversial Issue Used To Define The Movement Of A Political Group?